Technical specification
Plasma gas flow meter: 100-1000L/h (1.6-16L/min)
Auxiliary gas flow meter10-100L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
Carrier gas flow meter10-100L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
Carrier gas pressure stabilization valve 0-0.4MPa
Cooling water: Water temperature: 15-25 Flow rate >5L/min Water pressure: >0.1MPa Resistivity>1M
Technical Specifications of Optical System
Optical path: Czerny-Turner
Focal length: 1000mm
Grating specification: Ion Beam Etching Holographic Grating; The etching density is 3600 grooves/mm; the etching area is 80*110 mm.
(Alternative 2400 grooves/mm; etching area: 80*110mm)
Reciprocal linear dispersion rate: 0.26nm
Resolution: 0.008nm